The Rules


The rules of the Pokemon TCG are much simpler that Magic: The Gathering or Starwars TCG's. Here they are.


1) Draw 7 cards. This is your hand

2) Draw 6 cards (don't look at them) and put them at your side. These are your prizes.

3) If you don't have a basic Pokemon, or "non-evolved", show your opponent your hand, shuffle it back into the deck, and draw 7 cards. Your opponent gets to draw 2 extra cards.

4) Put your defending Pokemon (the Pokemon that you're going to use to battle) face-down in front of you (it must be a basic Pokemon).

5) Flip a coin to see who goes first. Turn your defending Pokemon face-up.

6) You may now attack. You must apply the correct amount of energy cards to use an attack. The cards needed are indicated next to the attack.

7) Your opponent's Pokemon is knocked-out when the damage that you've done to it meets or exceeds the Pokemon's HP (the HP is indicated in the upper-right corner of the card). You can keep track of the damage you've done with damage counters. If your opponent's Pokemon becomes knocked-out, you draw a prize.

8) You win when you've drawn all of your prizes or your opponent doesn't have any more Pokemon to send out.


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